& Yuanyi Tianxia Sculpture Sculpture Art Co., Ltd. integrates sculpture creative design, production and installation, including sandstone plates, round sculptures, Roman columns, fireplaces, lines, sandstone sculptures & foam sculptures & fiberglass sculptures and other landscape sculpture shapes. After years of practical experience, the sandstone sculpture factory has become comparable to the various sandstone product sculpture factories in Kaishi. It mainly undertakes projects in urban sculpture art, environmental sculpture art, public art, garden landscape sculpture art, and villa and manor landscape decoration. As follows: foam sculpture figure sculpture, portrait sculpture, round sculpture, relief sculpture, animal sculpture, abstract sculpture, simulated plant, rockery scene, stainless steel sculpture, copper sculpture, stone sculpture, fiberglass sculpture, sandstone sculpture, cement sculpture > Professional production of military exhibition models military Prop model soldier statue Diao Yuanyi Tianxia sculpture manufacturer calls to customize sandstone sculptures, sandstone relief background walls, cast copper sculptures, forged copper reliefs, segmented copper sculptures, stainless steel sculptures, fiberglass sculptures, fiberglass reliefs, campus cultural sculptures, character cast bronze sculptures , sandstone relief murals & artificial sandstone reliefs & sandstone sculptures, fiberglass sculptures, fiberglass reliefs, sandstone reliefs &, sculpture murals &, fiberglass reliefs, fiberglass sculptures, flowerpots, sandstone flowerpots, landscape sculptures (decorative reliefs, waterscape sculptures), art Fountains etc. Sandstone Sculpture Beijing Sandstone Sculpture FRP Sculpture FRP Relief Campus Landscape Decoration Sculpture Cast Bronze Sculpture, Artificial Sandstone Sculpture gt> & Yuanyi Tianxia Sculpture Engineering Art Co., Ltd.’s main products include cartoon character sculptures, painted FRP sculptures, foam styrene board sculptures, film and television stages The sculpture exhibition displays models GR, sandstone, gypsum, fiberglass, various lines of materials, window covers, door covers, Roman columns, vase railings, rockery plastic stones, giant reliefs, urban sculptures, modern sculptures, garden sculptures, campus sculptures, imitation Wooden pavilion bridges, imitation wood flower stands, bionic simulated animals and plants, simulated trees, physical three-dimensional advertisements, film and television props, floats, stage landscaping and miniature antique buildings, etc. The blending of Eastern and Western culture and art, and the application of the most advanced and oldest materials and arts in the world, have reached the highest level of packaging technology with art. Relief is the product of the combination of sculpture and painting. It uses compression to process objects, relies on factors such as perspective to express three-dimensional space, and is only available for viewing from one or two sides. Reliefs are generally attached to another plane, so they are used more in buildings and can often be seen on utensils. Due to its compression characteristics, it takes up less space, so it is suitable for decoration in a variety of environments. In recent years, it has occupied an increasingly important position in urban beautification. Reliefs are as colorful as round sculptures in content, form and material. Relief materials include stone, wood, ivory and metal.